A lesson from Va. Tech murders

The mass murderer at Va. Tech, Cho Seung-Ho, was a stalker. The first victim was a girl – Emily Hilscher – with whom Cho was infatuated. Other female students also had problems with Cho:

At Virginia Tech, in September 2005, poet Nikki Giovanni had Cho removed from her class at Virginia Tech after female students complained that he was using his cell phone to take pictures of their legs underneath the desks; some refused to come to class while Cho was there. In November and December of that year, two female students reported receiving threatening messages from Cho, and one said he was stalking her. But charges were never filed, and police and university officials didn’t seem especially worried about the women.

Mother Jones has viewpoint that the real lesson of Va. Tech & Cho may be the dangers of not taking stalking and violence against women seriously.

Read:  Murderers and Women: What We’re Still Not Getting About Virginia Tech
