Scott asks supporters to praise him

Gov. Voldemort has more than a few tricks up his robe. On his campaign website, Rick Scott asks his faithful followers to send emails to newspaper editors that tout his virtues:

Dear Editor,

When Rick Scott ran for Governor he promised to create jobs and turn our economy around. I voted for Rick because he’s always been a businessman, not a politician. While politicians usually disappoint us and rarely keep their promises, Rick is refreshing because he’s keeping his word.

His policies are helping to attract businesses to our state and get people back to work. Some of the special interests are attacking the Governor for making tough decisions, showing leadership, and doing what he told us he would do. Rick Scott deserves our unwavering and enthusiastic support.

How can we expect to elect leaders who will keep their word and do what’s right for our state if we don’t stand up for those with the courage to set priorities, make difficult choices, and actually deliver on their promises made?

The faithful have the choice of Sun-Sentinel, Miami Herald, Jacksonville Florida Times Union, Orlando Sentinel, Tallahassee Democrat, Tampa Tribune, Treasure Coast Palm Beach….none in the Florida Panhandle.
