Debate over moderation of web comments


Our local daily has caught heat for not moderating the comments that are posted on its web site ( It has become a haven for racist and bigoted comments – where gulf1.commers, Luke McCoy fans and Save Our City remnants can go to lash out at the world.

This blog has had problem posters from time to time, and I try to allow a debate as free as possible. When it gets out of hand, I step in. We try to keep everyone on point. The system isn’t perfect, but the blog’s traffic shows we’re doing something right.
However, dailies don’t invest much into moderating their comments.

From the Associated Press:

Faced with declining circulation, many U.S. newspapers are trying to engage readers by allowing them to respond to news stories online. But the anonymity of the Internet lets readers post obscenities and racist hate speech that would never be allowed in the printed paper.

You can read the entire article: Newspapers debate best way to deal with website comments 
