Mack Attack Emails

Through a public record request, the IN obtained copies of former Pensacola City Council member and current Pensacola Redistricting Commission member Diane Mack’s emails regarding my posting of a proposed district map.

At 8:56 p.m. on Wednesday, July 13, Mack fired off an email to Elaine Mager, Supervisor of Elections David Stafford, City Attorney Jim Messer and Council President Maren DeWeese:

I don’t know who is responsible for releasing the latest districting map sample to the media (Outzen’s blog) before it was sent to the Commission members, but it was a violation of protocol and I hereby register my objection and complaint. Please forward to the appropriate parties.

The next morning Stafford replied that I had made the request several hours after the alternative map had been sent to Mager. Stafford copied Messer, Mager and commission chair DeeDee Davis on the email to me.

Mack wasn’t satisfied and wrote in her reply: “To send the information to him was out of order and a discourtesy to us. The proper procedure would have been to inform him that the map had not been distributed to the Commission and to refer his request to Commission Chair.”

She told Stafford that she planned to take up the issue at the next commission meeting.

Stafford replied: “Thank you for sharing your opinion on proper procedures for public officials responding to requests for information. That said, I don’t intend to continue this dialogue over e-mail, but will be happy to address it at the next meeting.”

An hour and half later, Mack apologizes to Stafford, but still keeps the controversy going:
“The question remains is who took it upon him/herself to put a bug in Mr. Outzen’s ear that there was something to be requested.”

Egos…amazing. To date I have yet to hear any complaints from the Redistricting Commission Chair. I don’t expect to.

The public’s right to know outweighs the ego of a lone commission member. Stafford didn’t deserve the abuse from Mack.

Me? I think it’s hilarious.

Read mack attack
