Email trail on Council Executive

The question I have repeatedly gotten since last Wednesday’s Pensacola City Council workshop is how did the city council go from hiring an administrative assistant to council executive with the qualifications to be a city manager (possibly salary has high as $130K)?

Last week, I posted the public document trail – Wackadoo process -according to official records

Unfortunately, Mary Ann Stalcup, the City HR director, didn’t keep minutes of the Council Executive Committee meetings.

However we do have the council’s email trail.

My public record request was:

All emails between the city council members and Mary Ann Stalcup from period Feb. 1, 2011 through July 20, 2011. I do not need the resumes of all the applicants for the council executive position.


From: Sonja Gaines
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:18 AM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: Council Executive

Council President DeWeese,

The Mayor told Mary Ann to change the title of Executive Assistant to City Council to Council Executive. Please let her know if you have any other changes.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 2:15 PM
To: Ashton Hayward; Rita R. Lee

Subject: FW: Council Executive

Good Afternoon,

Mayor, I would like to fast track this process and discuss the resume evaluation process once our applicant pool is available for review. What is the anticipated timeline for advertising this position and accepting applications? Please advise.

From: Rita R. Lee
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 2:41 PM
To: Al Coby; Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: FW: Council Executive

I believe the two of you are handling. Thank you.

From: Al Coby
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:19 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Ashton Hayward; Mary Ann Stalcup; Rita R. Lee

Subject: Council Executive


Since the discussion on Monday, I have been under the impression that Council, in general, wanted an opportunity to review the “Council Executive” job description. After the change of this morning we are prepared to officially transmit to Council under the Mayor’s signature. I had assumed that Council would then have an opportunity to make comment/input prior to the position being advertised. However, the position can be advertised immediately without Council input.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:21 PM
To: Al Coby
Cc: Ashton Hayward; Rita R. Lee

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Good Evening,

Of course Council would have input and need to see this description. Once Mayor Hayward has given his approval from a staffing standpoint this needs to be sent to Council with a request for immediate response with a 48 hr deadline for recommendations.

I will work on this as an action item for the April 4th agenda once the Mayor has approved description and his recommendation for Council.

Thank you for your efforts on this.

From: Rita R. Lee
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Al Coby; Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject:RE: Council Executive

Council President,

The Mayor has approved. The Mayor offers no recommendation since it is solely at the discretion of council.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 1:48 PM
To: Rita R. Lee
Cc: Al Coby; Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Thank you, The next step as I understand is for Council review. Please distribute to Council asap for review and input and require responses to be returned by noon on Monday March 28th. Once input has been compiled (without Councilmember names) please forward to me by 5pm Monday March 28th for placement on my April 4th Agenda.

From: Sonja Gaines
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 10:51 AM
To: Maren Deweese
Subject: Council Executive

Council President DeWeese,

Mary Ann would like for you to review this job description and announcement for the Council Executive position. Please inform her of any changes that need to be made.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:51 PM
To: Sonja Gaines
Cc: Ashton Hayward

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Good Afternoon,

I have reviewed the description for the additions Council has requested. Please begin the process of advertising this position.

From: Sonja Gaines
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:55 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Ashton Hayward; Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Will do.

Thank you

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:50 AM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Sherrer Kuchera; Sonja Gaines

Subject: Council Executive Position

Council President Deweese — We are receiving quite a few resumes in response to the advertisement for Council Executive. So far, only two are from Pensacola. I think it would be helpful to have the candidates respond to a series of written questions. The process will help us sift & winnow so we can narrow the list to a reasonable number of finalists.

Here are some proposed questions that are fairly standard for executive level public sector jobs. These can be added to and/or revised as appropriate:

Please tell us why you are interested in this position & why you are considering a move at this time?

Describe your current scope of responsibilities. List the major services provided by your organization, its staffing and annual budget.

How would others describe your communication style?

Describe your management style. How do you get things done and make decisions?

Describe the feedback you have received from people with whom you work regarding your strengths.

Describe the feedback you have received from people with whom you work regarding areas where you need improvement.

Describe your philosophy and approach to working with a county/city’s governing body.

What role do you play within your organization? Have you dealt with elected officials? Citizens or citizen groups?

Please highlight one or two examples of organizational improvements that you have made.

Describe any business process reengineering efforts you have led in your organization.

What is/are the names of local newspapers in the communities in which you have served, and what will a file search describe regarding your service? What controversies might be disclosed? What positive comments will we find regarding your service?

Is there anything in your background that would be an embarassment to you or the City of Pensacola should it be made public?

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:55 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Subject: RE: Council Executive Position

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email
I agree with the questions and would only like to expand on the processes question. Please request information on prioritization techniques and using logic models to communicate with Council. I am mainly concerned with how the applicant will structure their decision making process. i.e. a flow model of decisions that all of Council can count on. How would they formulate this.

Although very delicately worded, I have concern about the final question on the list. Has this been asked before? Does this expose the City to potential issues?

I would like to have the entire list of applications prioritized but not reduced until we have a final count and meet to discuss the process Council would like to have in place.

Thank you for all of your efforts on this expedited process.

best regards,

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:43 AM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: RE: Council Executive Position

You bet. I’ll add a question about prioritization & logic models for communication. I think it fits in well with the question on decision making. I’ll leave out the last question. From a public records standpoint it could be an issue. We have asked it in interviews. As I have reviewed resumes, I have done some research and come across issues that would be embarassing ‐‐ but I can sort those out & I can ask any follow‐up questions over the phone.

Once the job closes, I will provide a list of all candidates ‐‐ those highly qualified, qualified & not qualified ‐‐ that can be changed by you and the Council.

Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:25 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive Position

perfect! Great Job. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the process we will put in place for review and decision making of our candidates.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 6:53 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Subject: Council Executive

If you have a little time, it might be helpful if we briefly review the resumes I’ve received. I have over 60, but it’s not as daunting a prospect as it seems. Call or e‐mail and we can set something up. The written exercises are due back next Monday, but we can sift and winnow before then. Thanks.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 12:20 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Kalamazoo

Greg Vlietstra, Deputy County Treasurer for Kalamazoo County from July 2010 to the present. Was finanace director for Kalamazoo County from July 2008 ‐ September 2009. Chief financial officer of K‐12 school district for Galesburg‐Augusta
schools in MI from September 2009 ‐ July 2010. BA, MA & MBA.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 3:28 PM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Kalamazoo

so cool and probably an eager transplant! :)

Thanks for taking time to meet today. I look forward to sharing some information with Council on Monday.

From: Maren Deweese
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Thu May 05 19:50:36 2011

Subject: RE: Council Executive

thanks for your meeting today…we can sift and winnow next week if you would like or (if needed) just let me know your schedule.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 7:55 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Re: Council Executive

Ditto. We’ll make this work. I will be in touch. I truly appreciated your perspective ‐‐really.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 9:55 AM
To: Sam Hall

Subject: Council Executive

Councilman Hall ‐‐ Councilman Townsend has agreed to serve on the screening committee for Council Executive. Enjoy your weekend!

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Megan Pratt; John Jerralds; Brian Spencer; Ronald Townsend
Cc: Sonja Gaines

Subject: Council Executive

Attachments: Council Executive.doc

I prepared the attached document to help you sort through the 44 applicants. Since this is a new position, in a new form of government and will be working for all of you, I did not want to substitute my judgement for yours. I hope the form will help you assess the candidates and determine which you feel are best qualified.

What I need each of you to do is review the resumes and answers to the written exercise and provide me with a list of your top 15 candidates. Hopefully there will be some agreement on the most highly qualified. My secretary, Sonja, has scanned all the documents and will be sending them to you in four groups of eleven. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions

From: Brian Spencer
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Fri May 20 07:08:54 2011

Subject: Re: Council Executive

Has a date been established for our deadline to submit our list of 15?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 7:27 AM
To: Brian Spencer

Subject: Re: Council Executive

I was contemplating next Friday but would like the committee’s input.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 7:39 AM
To: Brian Spencer; Megan Pratt; John Jerralds; Ronald Townsend

Subject: Council Executive

Councilman Spencer asked about a deadline for determining your top 15 candidates. I was thinking next Friday but would like your input. Particularly since next week holds committee/council meetings, you may prefer 2 weekends to review. If so, Tuesday, May 31st is fine as well.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 8:13 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: Council Executive follow up

Good Morning,

I would like to follow up on the process for Council’s selection committee. One of the deadlines we had discussed was being able to vote on the final hire at our June 20th COW meeting. If this is to be accomplished, the prescreening for the candidate list that all of Council is to interview will need to done and candidates prepared via Skype for interviews the week of June 6‐10. Probably in a workshop setting for interested Council members.

Please let me know your thoughts about this timeline and suggestions you may have to accomplish this. Also, let me know if we should meet to discuss interview questions for the Skype interviews.


From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 10:27 AM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: RE: Council Executive follow up

Here’s where we are. I sent committee members the resumes & written exercises for the 44 candidates. I also provided them with a document to help them sort through & make determinations on which candidates are not qualified, basically qualified & highly qualified.

I have asked the committee members to provide me with a list of their top 15 candidates by next Friday. That may slip to May 31st but as long as there’s agreement among the committee members, we’ll be able to schedule interviews during the week of June 6th.

From: Megan Pratt
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 11:33 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Another question we might need to resolve‐‐I am guessing our written notes about the candidates become public record? Perhaps that is a lawyer question….

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 11:35 AM
To: Megan Pratt; Ronald Townsend; John Jerralds; Brian Spencer

Subject: Council Executive

Just a reminder that your notes on the Council Executive candidates will be public records.

From: Maren Deweese
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Fri May 20 15:11:29 2011
Subject: RE: Council Executive follow up

thank you!

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 3:16 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Re: Council Executive follow up

You bet ‐‐ I’ll try to keep us on schedule!

From: Brian Spencer
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Sun May 22 06:25:25 2011

Subject: Re: Council Executive

I vote for Tues, May 31

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 7:16 AM
To: Brian Spencer

Subject: Re: Council Executive

I think that’s the consensus and will still keep us on schedule.

From: Ronald Townsend
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 10:57 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup; Brian Spencer; Megan Pratt; John Jerralds

Subject: RE: Council Executive

My preference would be the 31st.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:58 PM
To: Ronald Townsend; Brian Spencer; Megan Pratt; John Jerralds

Subject: Re: Council Executive

The consensus is for the 31st so please have your lists to me by that date. Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:38 PM
To: Elaine Mager

Cc: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council’s Summer Schedule

Council Executive interviews should not take more than 2hrs and will hopefully be in the morning. This is something the Selection committee will have to decide.

Thanks for the heads up on other events.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:17 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Council Executive

I only have lists from two committee members of their finalists for Council Executive.

However, it’s pretty clear that I will need to meet with the committee to come to consensus and decide on next steps. I’ll get that set up soonest ‐‐ hopefully by Friday. It will be a public meeting and will be noticed.

From: Maren Deweese
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
CC: Donna Harris; Elaine Mager; Robyn Tice
Sent: Tue May 31 15:26:36 2011

Subject: RE: Council Executive

thank you for your update on this. I have copied Donna so she will know as well. I have held June 9th and 10th open with Council for possible workshop dates so we will need to consider the timing for a noticed meeting then as well. What as the deadline for response from members?

best to you,

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:20 PM
To: John Jerralds; Megan Pratt; Ronald Townsend; Brian Spencer
Cc: Sonja Gaines

Subject: Council Executive

While I don’t yet have all of your lists of finalists for Council Executive, I believe we need to meet and discuss next steps. My secretary, Sonja, will be in touch to schedule the meeting. It will be noticed and will be a public meeting.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:35 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Donna Harris; Elaine Mager; Robyn Tice; Sonja Gaines

Subject: Re: Council Executive

The deadline was today and I asked them for their top 15 finalists. That’s not what I’ve received so far. Your fellow councilmembers like to think outside the box but we’ll get there.

From: Brian Spencer
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 4:07 PM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: Re: Council Executive

Understand / awaiting meeting invitation

From: Maren Deweese
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tue May 31 19:01:23 2011

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Thanks for your patience. let me know when the meeting will be and I’ll make an effort to attend if you would like me there. I guess that is the only way for me to assist in moving the process along since we will be voting on this item. Thoughts?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 7:13 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Re: Council Executive

You’re right. I’ll let you know.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 4:47 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Council Executive

I have still not received Council Member Spencers list of finalists. I’m going to go ahead and schedule a meeting for the committee ‐‐ hopefully early next week ‐‐ and get consensus.

I think we’ll be able to narrow the list so we can skip remote interviews and just invite the top 4 or 5 for interviews in person.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: (No time given but after above email)
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive

sounds good, I just want all of Council to have a variety of candidates to choose from. If narrowing the list eliminates this opportunity then better to give all members the chance to have access.

I know this could add hours to our process…so it’s your call as to what would be best.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 11:48 AM
To: Brian Spencer

Subject: Council Executive

Do you have your list of finalists? I’m trying to put together the list of all four committee members prior to our meeting next week. Thanks.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 12:44 PM
To: Brian Spencer

Subject: RE: Council Executive

You bet. Thanks.

From: Brian Spencer
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 12:23 PM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: Re: Council Executive

In your hands by Monday morning. OK?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 12:50 PM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: Council Executive

Coucilman Spencer says he will have his list of finalists to be by Monday. I think the committee can meet Thursday morning next week ‐‐ if Councilman Spencer is available.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 4:30 PM
To: Brian Spencer; Megan Pratt; John Jerralds; Ronald Townsend
Cc: Maren Deweese; Sonja Gaines

Subject: Thursday’s Meeting

I have all of your lists of Council Executive finalists and there is significant agreement.

Mark Kutney was considered a finalist by all of you and the following candidates were considered finalists by three of of the four members on your committee:

Michael Sevante
Dennis Kelly
Melissa Davis
William Whitson
Lisa White
Scotty Davis

Prior to Thursday’s meeting, these candidates will be contacted to make sure they are still interested in the position and we will also ask for their current salary. If all goes well, we’ll have a list of 5 ‐ 7 to invite for a final interview. Be thinking about what issues you want covered in the interview. I’ll translate those issues into interview questions.

And thanks for your help. You took this assignment seriously. I know how challenging it is to sort through 40+ applicants.

See you Thursday morning.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:33 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

thanks for the information. Who will be attending Thursday’s meeting?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:39 AM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

All the members of the committee. I think someone from government watch may also show up.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:44 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting


what time is the meeting?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:44 AM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

10:30 in my training room.


From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:56 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

thanks, how will the next steps in the process work?

Will Council be making their final selection at our June 20th meeting?

I only ask since the agenda is growing like a chia pet and out into 2 dozen action items realm so I may want to have the Council Executive portion earlier that same day with a separate agenda.

Let me know if we should try to meet and discuss the final parts of this process, I am available most of this week.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 7:34 AM
To: Maren Deweese

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

Good question. I think we’ll be inviting the finalists to interview with council but don’t see that happening by the 20th. We’ll have to coordinate schedules, allow time for them to make travel arrangements, etc.

From: Maren Deweese
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 10:01 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup
Cc: Donna Harris; Elaine Mager; Ericka Burnett

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

Good morning, what was the outcome for possible dates at yesterday’s meeting?

Will we be able to have Council Executive finalists at a special COW meeting before 23rd?

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 10:05 AM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Donna Harris; Elaine Mager; Ericka Burnett

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

I don’t think we’ll have the Council Executive finalists by then. The committee decided to use an on‐line assessment process administered by a firm in Atlanta. I am waiting to hear from the Studer Group’s HR Director so I can contact the firm. Then representatives will come to Pensacola sometime next week to work with us to develop a profile which will guide the assessment process. I hope to know more once I’ve had a chance to speak to them. I hope to do that today. I will let you know if we can speed it up.

From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 12:07 PM
To: Maren Deweese
Cc: Donna Harris; Elaine Mager; Ericka Burnett

Subject: RE: Thursday’s Meeting

I just spoke to Shannon Libbert who has given Chris Reilly, organizational psychologist with Sperduto & Associates, my contact information. He is out of the office but will call either this afternoon or Monday. I’ll let you know once I’ve spoken to him.


From: Mary Ann Stalcup
Sent: Tue 7/12/2011 5:38 PM
To: Sherri Myers

Cc: Sonja Gaines

Subject: Council Executive

Councilwoman Myers ‐‐ I am responding to your request for information on the process for determining finalists for the Council Executive position. I believe Sonja Gaines already sent you the resumes and answers to the questionnaire I developed. The four committee members (Councilman Jerralds, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Spencer and Councilwoman Pratt) were sent the resumes and candidate responses to the questionnaire along with the attached guideline for rating the candidates. Each member of the team rated the candidates and provided me with a list of their top candidates. I compiled their ratings and we held one meeting which was noticed to the City’s media contacts. That meeting resulted in confirming the top 7 candidates for further review. The committee also decided, at the recommendation of Mr. Studer, to use the Sperduto Group ( to conduct an assessment of the candidates. You can view Chris Reilly’s credential’s on the Sperduto website. When you meet with Mr. Reilly next Tuesday, he will explain the assessment process with you as well as provide an analysis of each candidate. I believe this responds to the questions you posed. If you need additional information, please call me on my cell phone

From: Sherri Myers
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:06 AM
To: Mary Ann Stalcup

Subject: RE: Council Executive

Thank you. I have Tuesday marked on my calander, but not the time on Tuesday for the meeting with Mr. RIley. Do you know what time I am to meet with Mr. Riley?
