Gay bashing rules on

Today’s business article in the daily newspaper (Hotels filling fast for holiday weekend) has drawn out the gay bashers – with 48 comments as of 3 p.m.

Samples of the comments:

What a disgrace to our community and our country that these freaks flood our town evey year to sodimize each other. Bet none of these idiots even know what Memorial Day is for….remember people…..TO HONOR THOSE THAT HAVE DIED FOR OUR COUNTRY!!!”

“… Gays are a wonderful group of folks never mind that they spread HIV .
I sure wont be throwing any parties for ya. If you really think about it they are murdering people legally. Yeah this is the saddest part innoncent people die because of gays.”

On a more positive note, it does appear that some posters have tried to counter the negativity with more tolerance.
