Cyber bullies – Internet hate

A mother writes (Targets of Hate )about her son who was attacked via the Internet by former friends.

They accused my son of plotting to kill their mother on a Friday, involved the police, social workers, and their parents, then went to school on a Monday and laughed in his face.

The story grew and spread throughout her son’s school and the community. The mother writes about how the truth became seen as the lie and the lies became the truth.

In Pensacola, it’s not just teenagers that bully. We had received several emails from readers about Mike West and his People who have repeatedly tried to get off his email blasts and have been threatened and harassed for doing so. has comments filled with hate and half-truths attacking people, not the issues. LEO affairs, a website supposedly for law enforcement officers, has become the breeding ground for officers and others to anonymously attack each other-both personally and professionally.
