Dixon miracle has strings

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas and the School Board relented to public pressure and agreed to allow A.A. Dixon Charter School to stay open for the entire school year. IN reporter Jeremy Morrison was there (Read Miracle with Strings).

Read the quotes Superintendent Thomas appears to insinuating that the A.A. Dixon Board, which includes Rev. Lutimothy May, Kim MacQueen (wife of Julian MacQueen and other community leaders) are undisciplined. There is an entirely new principal and management. May only joined the board two weeks ago, but Thomas blames them for last year’s financial problems –to which the School District contributed by not paying the school its Title I funds.

School Board Member Jeff Bergosh could help take a shot at me:

Bergosh also complained about reports in the media that the school board would profit if Dixon closed.

“I’ve confirmed that this is 100 percent not true,” he said, later providing staff that explained that while Title I money — reportedly $62,000, designated for low-income children — would follow the students wherever they enrolled; the $100,000 grant from the state is specifically for charters and the District could not hope to see any of that.

He fails to mention the Title I that the District failed to pay the school. That is the “profit” of which I was referring.
