Kudos for Davenport TDC viewpoint

Dear Commissioner,

I fully support the email of Alison Davenport comments and previously discussed communications and actions. It is unbecoming of a public official to make disparaging remarks about “stakeholders” of tourism in this County such as Mr. Robinson continues to report. Furthermore, the appearance of “Sunshine Law” violations asserted by Ms. Alison and me are clearly “reasonable” communications when dealing with issues of “public trust” and “public dollars” as such is the case with the TDC issues discussed.

Clearly, Mr. Robinson has taken this issue of “tourism marketing” to a level of public discourse that is not in the best interest of the “public image” of our community. To personally attack “tourism stakeholders,” in the manner that has been reported, is not conducive to a “spirit of cooperation” and cohesiveness that is required to progress the “positive” tourism objectives desired by ALL.

I think that the more this issue is presented by Mr. Robinson (in the manner in which he proceeding) further exacerbates the concerns of a “lack of transparency” in the matter regarding “tourism” marketing and inclusion. Everytime he makes a public comment on this subject he further reveals his clear involvement in and desire to influence and direct the “tourism strategy and funding” and this may negatively impact the future tourism in our County.

I respectfully request, that the BOCC conduct an investigation of the alleged “Sunshine Law” violations and Mr. Robinson’s potential involvement in these matters.

The citizens and tourism “stakeholders” of Escambia County deserve a better “delivery” of the issues at hand and a public statement from this distinguished Board of Commissioners.

I have attached my response to Mr. Robinson in light of his reported statements regarding these issues.

Thank You,

George Hawthorne
Gulf Coast African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
251-504-7313 Cell
