Grover calls for TDC ideas

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson is calling for the chambers, hotel owners and others to bring their ideas for the future structure of tourism governance to the county commissioners in November.

From Commissioner Robinson:

Structure, unity and success must trump personalities and persecution

If Escambia County is to truly move forward and be the community and economy we want it to be, structure, unity and success must trump personalities and persecution. Unfortunately right before a legitimate conversation was to occur publically on tourism, the process was hijacked by scandal, suspicion and innuendo, the kind of tricks that for too long have held Escambia County down. As long as we allow those tactics to succeed our efforts will be small and inept.

My goal since first joining the Tourist Development Council (TDC) has been to unify the various factions of Escambia County under one organization for more efficient use of scarce resources and the betterment of Escambia County. I have consistently held and advocated this view since becoming a commissioner.

Like many counties, Escambia County has multiple geographic tourist destinations within its jurisdiction, Pensacola, Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. However, unlike our successful neighboring counties, such as Okaloosa, Walton and Bay, Escambia County has not been able to unify its message. This fracture creates a disjointed and ineffective message that is not conducive to long-term success either in tourism or economic development.

The most recent set of emails began when I saw that Bay County has a series of advertisements paid for by BP. My frustration mounted when BP communicated to me that the only reason Escambia County did not have that opportunity was because no one from Escambia County tourism was requesting such advertising. While Escambia County is mired in the mud, Bay County, with its unified structure, is moving towards success, and no one seems upset in Escambia County tourism as long as the money flows.

The people who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo are the same ones who attack anyone who offers change. The question is what value do these recipient organizations add? A short look at Walton and Bay counties shows little to nothing. These organizations simply dilute taxpayer dollars away for their own benefit in administrative fees.

Do not be confused by the smoke screens employed. No decisions are made in regards to any tourism proposals until they are addressed openly and publically in the BCC chambers. Additionally, every geographic location and ethnic community should have the opportunity to address the structure debate, as well as a place for advertising within that structure. For the record, I am the only recent TDC member to motion for a minority tourism expenditure, and the only non-minority member on the council that voted in support of it.

I invite everyone to bring forward their ideas on structure. However, if you have no ideas, do not perpetuate the policy of persecution. It does not move this county forward.

If we stay focused on structure, unity and fairness we will succeed, and we will begin to challenge our neighbors to the east in Okaloosa, Walton and Bay. Will we continue to sling mud, personal accusation and innuendo or will we aspire to something higher that propels our community forward?

I stake my reputation on the latter and am willing at any time to put forward those ideas and openly debate their merits. I hope you will join me and move the discussion forward in November.
