Call for Wall Street Justice

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen joins the growing list of people asking for justice over the financial meltdown that has crippled this country’s economy. The SEC fined Citigroup $285 million, which barely put a dent in the company’s $3.8 billion profit last quarter.


The Citigroup settlement is being reviewed by a perplexed U.S. District Court Judge Jed S. Rakoff. Among other things, he wants to know why he should authorize a settlement “in which the SEC alleges a serious securities fraud but the defendant neither admits nor denies wrongdoing.” This is a marvelous question that goes to the heart of the matter. The settlement is itself a CDO, a legal version of a black hole in which next to nothing is disclosed. Why no guilt? Why no guilty people? Why such a non-punishing punishment? The SEC will have to tell it to the judge.

Read Wall St. is playing us for suckers.