Evers, Gaetz want to rid fuel of ethanol

Fuels with ethanol burn cleaner and help reduce dependency on fossil fuels by 10 percent. State Sen. Greg Evers and Rep. Matt Gaetz want to put an end to the mandatory requirement that all gasoline sold at the pumps has at least nine to 10 percent ethanol.

The question is who are they serving with this legislation. We know Evers didn’t think of this on his own. The NRA drafts his gun bills. Who wrote this bill for him?

The Northwest Florida Daily News reports Evers will introduce SB 238 to the Communications, Energy and Public Utilities Committee on Wednesday. The bill calls for repeal of the ethanol provision in the state’s Renewable Fuel Standard Act passed in 2008 and implemented on Dec. 1, 2010. Gaetz is proposing an identical bill in the Florida House.

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I’m seeing a disturbing trend. Panhandle lawmakers submitting bills that have little to do with us, but are obviously for lobbyists and special interests. Last session, we saw Rep. Clay Ingram get a bill passed to block a south Florida ordinance that would have regulated fertilizer.

Who do our state lawmakers serve?