Grover wants to stay on BP disaster recovery

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson has sent in his requests for committee assignments. He wants off the Tourist Development Commission (TDC)—who doesn’t?—but wants to stay on top of the Oil Spill Recovery.

October 31, 2011

Mr. Charles R. “Randy” Oliver
County Administrator
Escambia County Florida

RE: 2011/2012 Committee Assignments

Dear Randy,

As you work with the new Chairman for establishing committee assignments for 2011/2012, I would like to put forward my request. First I have enjoyed serving on all the committees to which I am assigned and would be happy to serve on those committees again with the following exceptions.

It has come to my attention that other commissioners have a desire to serve on the Tourist Development Council (TDC). That desire coupled with the work load that I have had with being the oil spill chair and my future duties on the Canvassing Board compel my request to be relieved from the TDC when new committee assignments are approved.

I am confident that others will be able to sufficiently serve on the TDC; however, I believe the inroads that I have made both within the State of Florida, as well as within the Federal Government, necessitate my continued involvement with the oil spill. I feel my talents and expertise are much more valuable to the citizens of Escambia County continuing to pursue our opportunities with the 8-County Coalition we have built.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Otherwise, please feel free to work with the new chairman on this assignment. Thank you for your time and assistance.


Grover C. Robinson, IV
Escambia County Commission
