Movie Buzz

The Muppets
Don’t be embarrassed, it’s okay to get excited when Kermit the Frog is on the big screen. Jason Segal and Amy Adams star as fans of the Muppets who try to help the fuzzy crew from having their theatre taken away by a greasy oil tycoon. Miss Piggy isn’t the only star in this movie, big names such as: Jack Black, Mila Kunis, Zach Galifinakis and Selena Gomez all make appearances. See the movie over Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Nov. 23.

Safe House
Ryan Reynolds plays a CIA agent who is supposed to be looking after a fugitive in a safe house, but when the supposed safe house is attacked her goes on the run with his charge played by Denzel Washington. Just the trailer alone is full of suspense and action, the entire movie should get the brain cells moving. Look for it Friday, Feb. 10.

Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd star as a Manhattan couple who must move out of the city because of a sudden unemployment. When they stumble upon a commune full of free-loving hippies, they weigh in the option of choosing the granola lifestyle. Release date is Friday, Feb. 24.

21 Jumpstreet
Even if you didn’t watch the original “21 Jumpstreet,” with Johnny Depp, you’ll still enjoy this cop-comedy starring a skinny Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Hill and Tatum play cop underdogs who are sent back to high-school to bring down an underground drug ring. Look for it in theatres Friday, March 16.

American Reunion
Just when you thought you’d never have to hear the name Stifler again, they find a way to make those sex-crazed teenagers come back. Only this time they’re adults with careers, wives and a high school reunion. All of your favorite characters are back and while they may have grown up, they still know how to throw a party. Join the reunion Friday, April 6.
