Joe does it again. This time with Dan Rather


Joe Scarborough has started another controversy. This time it involves Dan Rather, Katie Couric and CBS Evening News. What did Rather say?

“…the mistake was to try to bring the ‘Today’ show ethos to the evening news and to dumb it down, tart it up in hopes of attracting a younger audience.”

Rather tells the Washington Post that he only commented on Katie Couric because Scarborough – during his “Morning Joe” program – asked him about the show. “He asked me directly what I thought. It is my wont to answer a question directly. It was not planned.” He jokes: “It may not have been the wisest thing I’ve done this week.”

Read: Rather: I never planned an attack on Couric or her newscast

Good hosts get guests to say what they really think…not necessarily what the guest wants others to know or hear. Good job, Joe.

Ian Schwartz has the video on his blog: Video: Rather Slams Couric For ‘Dumb It Down’ Kind of News
