Feeding Occupy Pensacola

OP Press Release: Everybody’s Kitchen Bus Joins Occupy Pensacola

Pensacola, Fla. Nov. 26 2011 – Occupy Pensacola is now receiving support from Everybody’s Kitchen Bus to help feed occupiers, including homeless and passers-by.

Everybody’s Kitchen is a school bus that has been rebuilt to serve as an industrial grade, mobile kitchen capable of feeding up to 800 to 1500 people on site. It is completely volunteer run and maintained, and is completely self sufficient. The group operates on a system of consensus, and is a not-for-profit project.

“This is a free food kitchen,” says, Jelly, a member of Everybody’s Kitchen and a 15 year full-time volunteer, “They keep this very simple. There’s no question what our mission is: we feed people where there is a need.”

Everybody’s Kitchen arrived last Wednesday, Nov. 23 to a warm welcoming crowd of occupiers who have been anticipating their arrival for three weeks.

“We’ve added so many different things to this bus,” said Jelly, “We added a storage rack on the roof, a new trailer hitch and many other upgrades. This is a constant project. Every stop is a project of improving the bus to be more useful for the next project.”

Here are links to their websites:


