Chair fails to put minutes approval on CRA agenda

I was reviewing the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting of the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency ( CRA112811mtg-1).

The chairman, Councilwoman Megan Pratt, has failed to put on the agenda the approval of the minutes from the Sept. 19 meeting. She didn’t include it on the Oct. 10 agenda either, but there has been ample time, over two months, to transcribe the minutes.

Hmmmmmm…approval of the Sept. 19 minutes would bring back up whether Pratt had the authority to draft an alternative interlocal agreement and decide what should be in that proposal without any votes from the CRA board. Do you think any of the other CRA board members have noticed?

Don’t worry. I’ve emailed my public record request for the minutes that Pratt “overlooked” putting on the agenda. The CRA board can vote to have the minutes’ approval added to the agenda. Let’s see if they do.
