Rubio wants you to pay more payroll taxes

St. Pete Times Buzz reports U.S. Senator Marco Rubio opposes an extension of the payroll tax cut. Last year, the Republicans demanded Pres. Obama extend the tax breaks for the rich. Apparently everyday working Americans don’t deserve the same consideration.

What has upset the GOP and Rubio is that the Democrats have tied the payroll tax break to a tax increase (3.25 percent) on gross income above $1 million.

According to the St. Pete Times, the plan is expected to come up later this week and likely fail, giving Democrats an avenue to attack the GOP as cruel to average workers. Democrats will also try to paint rivals as supporting a tax increase, since the current 2 percent payroll tax cut expires Dec. 31 (which is what the GOP leadership did last year). Republicans will say it will hurt jobs.

The GOP is gambling that middle America will accept that they have to pay more taxes so that wealthy don’t have to do so.
