BP Hypocrasy

BP, whose rush for profits has killed dozens of Americans in the past six years, actually has created on their website a page for statements on their values…and there is no mention of stock dividends, bonuses for senior management or adding to their bottom-line.

This is what BP says it stands for:

We care deeply about how we deliver energy to the world.

Above everything, that starts with safety and excellence in our operations. This is fundamental to our success. Our approach is built on respect, being consistent and having the courage to do the right thing. We believe success comes from the energy of our people. We have a determination to learn and to do things better. We depend upon developing and deploying the best technology, and building long-lasting relationships. We are committed to making a real difference in providing the energy the world needs today, and in the changing world of tomorrow. We work as one team. We are BP.

I wonder how the families of the 11 men who died on the Deepwater Horizon rig feel about this statement knowing that the investigations have shown the British oil giant cut corners to get the well online. Where did BP show courage for their loved ones?

How about the families of the 15 men and women who died in 2005 when BP’s Texas City Refinery exploded? BP surely “changed” their worlds.

Oh yeah, what are BP’s proclaimed values?

One Team

…I think I’m going to vomit.
