Unemployment down for Florida, still above national avg

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in November 2011 was 10.0 percent, the lowest since May 2009 when it was also 10.0 percent. This represented 926,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9,228,000. The state’s unemployment rate was down 0.4 percentage point from October 2011 and was 1.9 percentage points lower than the November 2010 rate of 11.9 percent. The U.S. unemployment rate was 8.6 percent in November. Florida’s unemployment rate has been higher than the nation since February 2008.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted total nonagricultural employment in November 2011 was 7,281,700, an increase of 8,500 jobs (+0.1 percent) from October 2011. The number of jobs in the state was up 98,100 over the year, an increase of 1.4 percent from November 2010. The over-the-year growth rates in the past three months were the strongest since March 2007. Nationally, the number of jobs was up 1.2 percent over the year.

Florida has six industries experiencing positive over the year job growth in November
ï‚· Trade, transportation, and utilities is gaining 35,900 jobs ($37,109 avg. annual wage). Due to clothing and accessory stores
ï‚· Private education and health services is gaining 32,700 jobs ($43,686 avg. annual wage). Due to ambulatory health care services
ï‚· Leisure and hospitality is gaining 28,600 jobs ($21,447 avg. annual wage). Due to food services and drinking places
ï‚· Professional and business services is gaining 15,800 jobs ($49,185 avg. annual wage). Due to employment services
ï‚· Financial activities is gaining 7,700 jobs ($57,042 avg. annual wage). Due to real estate
ï‚· Manufacturing is gaining 5,200 jobs ($51,848 avg. annual wage). Due to fabricated metal product manufacturing
