Presidential polls

The Kitchens Group – Florida political consulting, marketing and polling firm – has released a Florida poll showing party frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani are virtually tied at about 41-40, assuming they go head-to-head. About 16 percent of Florida voters remain undecided.

It’s entirely possible that the Republicans will lose Florida, even to Hillary.

In an earlier national poll, the Kitchens Group reported that 61 percent of likely voters — and 70 percent of Democrats — believe the next president can improve America’s healthcare system. Hillary is seen as the biggest advocate for change in healthcare and may be able to ride the wave into the White House.

Kitchens did warn if the Democrats promise too much on healthcare that it could backfire. Jim Kitchens said in a press release,

Americans believe our healthcare system is not working, so it seems like a good issue to campaign on. But, when it comes time to select a nominee, universal healthcare will fragment the Democratic Party – upsetting the trial lawyers, some unions, and AARP. Plus, it will stir the party’s enemies — namely the pharmaceutical industry — resulting in ‘swift- boat’-like ads against the Democrats.”
