Friends of 4H offer alternative options for Navy Federal purchase

The “Friends of 4-H” represent Escambia County 4-H youth as a unified voice. They are concerned citizens, parents, 4-H alumni and friends of Escambia County 4-H. The group supports the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center, but not the proposed agreement being considered by the Escambia County Board of Commissioners.

“We can confidently speak as a unified voice after meeting with voting delegates and hearing their concerns and opinions; we are bringing their vision to you in one document,” wrote Friends of 4-H in a proposal sent to the county commissioners.

“These are the wants and needs from our children and their views for the present and future of 4-H. We are trying to bring a win-win-win to the table. A win for Navy Federal Credit Union and Escambia County Economic Development, a win for the Extension Service and a win for the Escambia County 4-H program”

Friends of 4-H have proposed the following options:

Option 1:

1) Escambia County 4-H to receive comparable land acreage to the Langley Bell 4-H Center; 240 acres.
2) $1.5 million LOST dollars going toward the additional building on Stefani Road at thevEscambia County Extension Office, as well as the 23 acres for future development.
3) The 4-H youth to have a voice in usage of the building on Stefani Road
4) GCA/NRA partnership land usage agreement (a lease of 20 to 30 acres on the new 4-H property for GCA/NRA to host livestock shows and additional events to fit the needs of the youth in Escambia County). The Escambia County 4-H youth would have a voice in the partnership agreement.

They propose the former Bayer Crop Science Facility as a property of equal value.

They wrote: “We feel this is the best property that is currently on the market to continue the 4-H slogan, which is ‘Learn by Doing.’ The property is located in Molino, Fla. at 2996 Crabtree Church Road and consists of 250 acres. It is settled in a rural agricultural area not enclosed by surrounding urban development. It hosts over 4,100 square feet of greenhouses, three irrigation ponds, three buildings, three storage barns, a weather station, and complete acreage
is fenced in with security gate”

According to the Friends, the Bayer Crop Science Facility land can be purchased for $1.3 to $2.1 (maximum) million. The land would be bought from the proceeds from the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center.

The group wants the property either “purchased by the 4-H Foundation and held in trust for Escambia County 4-H or by Escambia County and held in trust for Escambia County 4-H.”

How the remainder of the money from Navy Federal Credit Union and the Greater Pensacola Chamber is distributed would be left up to the 4-H Foundation. The 4-H Foundation would decide how much would go toward the 4-H endowment and how much to keep in Escambia County for the maintenance and upkeep of the property.

If the above purchase options are not plausible, then the Friends of 4-H propose that Navy Federal Credit Union buy the former Bayer Crop Science Facility and donate the land to be held in trust for Escambia County 4-H. “Navy Federal Credit Union has been doing their best to come to a mutual understanding and agreement and this would still make a win-win-winsituation with the remainder of the money going to the 4-H Foundation,” wrote the Friends.

Option 2:

The former Bayer Corp Science Facility includes 10,014 square feet of office space. These offices and building could be used to relocate the entire Escambia County Extension Service to central Escambia County. If this option was utilized, then the $1.5 million LOST dollars currently allocated to an additional building Stefani Road could be used for slight renovations or additional buildings at the former Bayer Crop Science Facility.

The Master Gardeners would have access to the 4,100 square feet of greenhouses. They feel the facility is already set up for hands on demonstrations and the property and functioning of the land are in line with the core reasons Dr. M. Langley Bell donated the original 400 acres. The facility will come with a complete environmental study to insure there are no environmental issues, as a phase one environmental study is currently in process. “We feel that this facility would promote rural economic development if used correctly”

Time Frame

The time frame in which Escambia County would have to provide for Escambia County 4-Hers an auditorium at either location would be two years from the date of the sale of the Langley Bell 4- H Center to Navy Federal Credit Union, as long as Navy Federal Credit Union agrees to rent the camp back to 4-H for those two years.


The sale of the Langley Bell Center with the guaranteed purchase of the Bayer property or a similar type property to be held in trust for the Escambia County 4-H youth would:
• Facilitate economic growth in Escambia County
• Allow for expansion of Navy Federal Credit Union
• Continue legacy of Dr. M Langley Bell
• Allow for growth of Extension Office either on their current site or the Bayer Property
• Supply master gardeners with state of the art greenhouses and facilities
• Provide space for GCA/NRA to continue their livestock programs

“Above all, this compromise will meet the needs of current and future 4-H youth by providing a place to continue personal growth, leadership and citizenship development through 4-H clubs using this facility for generations to come,” wrote the Friends.

“We are asking for discussion of this property and/or another property of equal value to be a part of the Escambia County 4-H members vote options. We feel that if this option was proposed to the Escambia Country 4-H members, they would vote yes the first time around and it’s a win-win-win situation.”

Signing the proposal from the Friends were:

Jacob Gilmore
Whitney Vaughan Fike
DB Waltrip
Brian Miller
Phillip Boutwell
