Press Release -The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office will present a two day Teen Driver Challenge May 11-12, 2012. The Teen Driver Challenge, which is supported by the Florida Sheriffs Association, is a part classroom/part driving experience, designed to provide education and training to protect teen drivers.
Sheriff David Morgan says the program is part of his ongoing commitment to the safety of all citizens: “Your Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is committed to the safety of our young people. The Teen Driver Challenge is an effective way to give young drivers the information and skills they need to make wise decisions behind the wheel. ” The Florida Sheriffs Association Teen Driver Challenge (TDC) program was developed at the request of the Florida Sheriffs to combat the high crash and fatality rate of Teen Drivers on Florida highways.
The ECSO Teen Driver program is a free, 12-hour course, including 4 hours of classroom (including a pre- and post-test) and 8 hours of hands-on instruction on a driving course. The program is presented to 16-19 year old students over a two-day period. All students must be licensed, have a vehicle that they normally drive available for the range portion. Proof of Insurance is required, along with the signing of release of liability forms. The classroom portion of the TDC, which will take place at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Administration Building, covers crash-related issues, such as vehicle dynamics, braking, steering and traffic laws. Specific chapters of the assigned workbook deal with aggressive driving, distracted driving (texting, cell phone use, etc.), and DUI and seatbelt issues. The driving portion of the class, which will take place at Bronson Field, will be held on May 12.
The class will be limited to ten applicants. Applications are available at front desk at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Administration Building, 1700 West Leonard Street, Pensacola through May 7, 2011. For more information, contact Deputy Ronnie Gill at (850) 436-9630.