Volunteer Opportunities for Teens


Teens in Escambia and Santa Rosa County have the opportunity this summer to take part in two exciting events through Chain Reaction, the local teen volunteer center for Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.

On June 27 and 28at Pensacola state college, high school teens from the area are invited to attend Chain Reaction’s 4th Annual Teen Convention. At this convention teens will not only learn important life lessons and leadership skills, but they will also have the chance to meet leaders in our community and other teens their age. This is a two day long convention that is going to be both helpful and fun for your teen. The cost is $65 dollars and includes food, convention t-shirt, and convention curriculum. Teens will earn 16 service hours from the convention. This is not an event you want your teen to miss out on!  For more information contact Amy Maiolo at 202-0691 or marketing@mychainreaction.org


Teens also have the opportunity to volunteer at Pensacola State Kids’ College! By volunteering for Kids College, teens will have the opportunity to be camp counselors and lead classes for elementary and middle school students. By volunteering at Kids College, teens have the opportunity to earn up to 376 service hours by the end of the summer. When volunteering teens will be assisting teachers in the camps for different classes such as art, music, sports, chocolate. Legos, space, movie making, science and many more. If they are interested in signing up to volunteer please contact Elise Glidden at Chain Reaction Volunteer Center at 202-0691 or email her at coordinator@mychainreaction.org


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