Thompson, the new Reagan

Another actor with political experience is seeking the presidential nomination. Reagan, a former Governor, did it in 1990 1980. Fred Thompson, a former U.S. Senator, is doing in 2007-08. I was around when Reagan was building grassroots support during the 1970s. He played the crowds perfectly with humor that captured them early. At the time, I couldn’t believe voters would elected an aging B movie actor – but I was wrong.

Thompson uses humor, too. He is opening his speeches with this joke:

I was in an airport not too long ago and a lady came running up to me and says, ‘Can I have your autograph please? My husband and I are just the biggest fans of yours. We watch you on television all the time.’

“I said, ‘Why, yes, ma’am.’

“But before I could sign my name she said, ‘How long you gonna be in town, Dr. Phil?’ “

It should be noted that it took two elections for Reagan to get elected. His first attempt was in 1976. It wasn’t until four years later (and a Jimmy Carter presidency) that he built enough support to win. Thompson will need better jokes, too.