Impact of Supreme Court Decision on Women’s Health in FL

Florida News Connection: Almost one million women in Florida will gain access to health insurance as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday. The ACA also broadens their access to birth control and preventive health screenings.

Already, the health care law has enabled more than 45 million women nationwide to get mammograms and Pap tests, and they can now see an OB/GYN without a referral from a physician. At the Florida Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, Takeata King Pang says the ruling marks a significant day for Florida women.

“The Affordable Care Act is absolutely groundbreaking for women’s health in the provision of preventative health care.”

King Pang says more than 90 percent of Planned Parenthood health center services are preventive, including cancer screenings and birth control. Greater access to health care also has economic benefits for Florida women, she adds.

“Because of the Affordable Care Act, women who are currently spending $600 a year out-of-pocket on birth control – this decision means that’s going to be fully covered.”

The ACA also puts an end to discriminatory insurance industry practices against women, such as higher premiums and denial of coverage for preexisting conditions.
