Touart “jumped the gun”

After watching the tapes, it is apparent that former County Administrator George Touart may have jumped the gun on his retirement. Whether he thought he had an agreement or he feared being fired – doesn’t take away the fact that no agreement is final until voted on by the BOCC. He knew that and took that risk.

The question is why has Mike Whitehead been so quiet about it until now. He could have spoken up more at the Sept. 6 or Sept. 12 or Sept. 18 meetings. He could have said then that he felt his fellow commissioners were reneging on an agreement that he “knew” that they had made. If he wanted George to stay or felt that he hadn’t resigned then he could have spoken out at any of those three meetings.

I never heard him say at any of those three meetings – “Hey, wait a minute. George isn’t resigning.” Or “I want George to remain on the job until April when he wants to retire.”

It appears to me that Whitehead wants it both ways – claim to Touart and his supporters that he fought for him but not do anything to really help him stay on the job or get a state pension. If Whitehead wants George back, then make a motion to bring him back. If he wants George to get more money, then make a motion for a new pay agreement for George.

For someone who claims to be say whatever he believes regardless of the public outcry or media, why has Mike Whitehead not made any motions that would really help Touart. Even if he didn’t get a second, Whitehead could have surfaced the issues in the public rather than through emails and the press.