Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Catholic Charities, in part of their Bridges to Bridges program, is inviting the public to participate in a Poverty Simulation at Waterfront Rescue Mission Men’s Shelter from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on July 31.

During the simulation, participants will role play the life of low-income families. Whether it’s a single parent trying to care for his or her children to senior citizens trying to maintain self-sufficiency on Social Security, no scenario is left out.

“The poverty simulation is a unique, interactive experience that helps people begin to understand what life is like with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress,” said Haley Richards, Bridges to Bridges community organizer.

Each family is given the task of providing food, shelter and other basic necessities during the simulation while interacting with various community resources staffed by volunteers.

“This experience serves to motivate participants to become involved with solutions to address poverty related issues to our community,” Richards said.

The event aims to give the local public to have a better understanding of what life is like for those less fortunate and to come together to eliminate poverty in the community.

“Participants will play the role of a low-income family struggling to meet basic needs without enough money,” Richards said. “Then they come together to debrief how they felt and what they learned about the realities of living in poverty.”

For more information about the event and to register, contact Richards at 429-7296 ext. 17 or   richardsh@cc.ptdiocese.org.
