Tips for pets during hurricane


Pet Safety

If you have not been ordered to evacuate, make sure you have enough pet food and water on hand to feed your pets during an emergency.

If you have been ordered to evacuate by state or local authorities, take your pets with you when you go. If you need assistance, such as persons relying on public transportation or with medical special needs, contact your emergency management agency for instructions.

An emergency pet shelter might be available near the human emergency shelter, check with your local emergency management agency to find the nearest emergency pet shelter to you. Do not stay behind with your pet if state or local officials order you to evacuate.

Pet owners should be prepared to provide the following information to pet shelter workers if possible: name; species and breed; sex; color; distinctive markings; age; microchip identification number; vaccination records; health conditions and required medication.

Other useful items to bring to a shelter are:

· a clear and current photo of you with your pet
· an extra collar, leash, and/or harness that fits
· favorite toys
· any medications and special diets for their pets
· information on feeding schedules, medical conditions, behavior problems, and the name and number of your veterinarian in case you have to foster or board your pets
· a pet carrier/kennel large enough for your pet to sleep in comfortably

More information about pet preparedness is available at:

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
