New poll: If Santa ran over grandma, most would not press charges

Public Policy Polling’s has released its holiday season poll:

– 44% of respondents said Santa was a Democrat while 28% say he is a Republican.

– More voters than not (47/40) say there is a “War on Christmas”.

– Only 32% or respondents could correctly identify the number of days in Hanukkah, compared to 18% each who thought 7 days or 12 days.

– A majority of voters (52/45) said they believe in Santa Claus. 80% said they were on Santa’s “Nice” list to just 11% who said they were on his “Naughty” list.

– If voters saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, 43% would tell Daddy, 40% would not and 17% weren’t sure.

– When asked, “If Grandma got run over by a reindeer, would you press charges against Santa?” 61% would not press charges, to 24% who would. 33% of Democrats would press charges compared to 19% of Republicans.

– The most popular holiday movies were “It’s a Wonderful Life”, 22%, and “A Christmas Story” with 20%.

– Most annoying holiday song was, 36% said “The Chipmunk Song”; the runner up was “Santa Baby” at 13%.
