Spencer Gets Round 2 as CRA Head

The Community Redevelopment Agency, made up of the Pensacola City Council, selected new leaders this week.

Councilman Brian Spencer was reelected as CRA chairman, while Councilwoman Megan Pratt, who previously served as chair, was elected as vice-chairman.

Both Spencer and Pratt were nominated by Councilman Larry Johnson.

“I think you should have an opportunity to continue on,” Johnson told Spencer before the vote.

Councilwoman Sherri Myers nominated herself for both the chair and vice-chair positions.

As their first order of business, the new CRA board—which includes four new city council members—denied forgiveness on a $500,000 loan to the Community Maritime Park Associates. The CRA instead requested the CMPA to provide a list of revenue sources, as well as a plan for growing those sources, and extended the loan until the fall

“It should act like a business,” said Council Vice President Jewell Canada-Wynn, “and not like a public service project.”
