The Discussion Will Not Be Televised

The Escambia County Commission is holding a special meeting Thursday to discuss the specifics of the employee-leave buyout voted on last week, as well as the possibility of a “floating holiday” for employees. The meeting will not be televised.

During their last regularly scheduled meeting of 2012, the commission voted to allow employees to buyback up to 80 hours of accrued leave time. This was in lieu of granting employees a 3 percent cost of living adjustment that commissioners had previously discussed.

Also during the Dec. 11 meeting, Commissioner Lumon May pushed for employees to be given New Year’s Eve off of work. While his suggestion didn’t get much traction last week, an employee holiday will be up for discussion again Thursday.

This week’s special meeting will not be held in the usual chambers, but will instead be held in the commission’s old meeting room, on the second floor of the Old Escambia County Courthouse. It begins at 10 a.m. and is open to the public, but will not be televised.

“We are holding it in the old commission chambers because the current chambers are under construction for the television studio upgrades,” explained Escambia County Public Information Manager Kathleen Dough-Castro. “That’s also why it won’t be televised.”
