FamiliesFirst Network named Most Improved Community-Based Care Agencies

Florida Department of Children and Families Secretary David Wilkins presented two awards today to community-based care agencies that exceeded expectations last year.

The Highest Overall Performance Standards award went to ChildNet, while the Most Improved Performance Standards Award went to FamiliesFirst Network. Community-based care agencies contract with DCF to provide prevention, diversion, foster care, adoption and other family services to their communities. ChildNet serves Palm Beach and Broward counties, while FamiliesFirst serves Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties.

“We began measuring the performance of our partner agencies last year and have seen dramatic improvements in child safety and well-being, family preservation and permanency for children,” said Secretary David Wilkins. “This tool allows us to share best practices and proven methods statewide to improve the lives of children in our care.”

The awards were given based on performance on the Community-Based Care Scorecards in 2012. The scorecards were developed in conjunction with our 18 community-based care partners across the state. It is updated monthly and scores the agencies on 12 different measures, including child safety, family preservation, adoptions and well-being of children in foster care, such as medical and dental services and educational goals.
