Why did Pensacola give pay raises?

Ghosts from the past: City of Pensacola automatic pay raises.

The City wouldn’t be having such a hard time cutting its budget if it hadn’t given all its employees pay raises in October. The PNJ writes the Pensacola has to cut its budget $3.4 million because of Amendment 1. The 2007-08 pay raises cost the taxpayers $1.1 million.

This is from the 2007-08 Budget in Brief:

In FY 2002 City Council approved the first major revision of the civil service pay plan since the early 1980’s. The plan included a provision to increase salary range minimums and maximums on a biennial basis up to a maximum of three percent based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. Accordingly, the salary ranges have been adjusted upward by three percent for fiscal year 2008.

With the recommended reductions in programs and staffing levels, existing staff will continue to see significant workload increases. The City Manager has included in his proposed budget funding to provide for the civil service employees an annual 5% increment pay increase as well as a 3% pay increase for unclassified employees. At City Council’s request, the City Manager will be reviewing various options to the compensation package for employees and will bring forth options for the Council to consider.
