Wait, there’s more on The Zimmerman Agency. A second binder?

Another email:


Bill Reynolds asked me to relay to you that we are currently in the process of compiling all Zimmerman records into a central location – this will include emails, invoices, reports, creative, etc – and that we will be happy to provide it to you when we provide it to Council.

Derek Cosson
Public Information Officer
City of Pensacola

222 West Main Street
Pensacola, FL 32502
Work: (850) 436-5626
Cell: (850) 530-6133

Here is my original request of the city:

—–Original Message—–
From: Richard Outzen [mailto:rick@inweekly.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 9:20 AM
To: Ericka Burnett
Cc: Jeremy Morrison
Subject: Public Records Request

The Independent News is requesting to review all invoices submitted by The Zimmerman Agency from Jan. 1, 2012 to Jan. 31, 2013 and an supporting documents. We also request to review any emails, letters, reports and other communications sent by the same agency to the city for the same period. Please let know when the documents are available to review.

Thank you.

Richard Outzen
Publisher, Independent News
(850) 438-8115
