Scott praises job growth in Pensacola metro area

Press Release: Governor Rick Scott announced the Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) job growth rate increased by 2.3 percent in February 2013. The Pensacola MSA’s rate of job growth exceeded that of the state which grew by 1.9 percent in the same period. The Pensacola metro area had the fifth highest rate of job growth in February 2013 among all metro areas in Florida compared to a year ago with 3,700 new jobs and has experienced 8 consecutive months of positive annual job growth.

Governor Scott said, “In the Pensacola metro area, job growth has increased by 2.3 percent – further proof that the steps we’re taking to create jobs and opportunities for Florida families are working. Statewide, we’ve added almost 300,000 private-sector jobs over the last two years, which means we have put almost 300,000 Floridians back to work.”

The unemployment rate in the Pensacola metro area declined by 1.6 percentage points over the year, from 8.7 percent in February 2012 to 7.1 percent in February 2013 and the area also showed an increase in online job demand in February 2013, with demand for STEM occupations growing by more than 36 percent over the year.

The Pensacola metro area led all metro areas in Florida in over-the-year percentage growth in trade, transportation, and utilities (+6.1 percent) and housing starts in the Pensacola metro area were up over the year (+71 units, +75.5 percent) and up over the month (+17 units, +11.5 percent) in February 2013.

In February, Workforce Escarosa along with the state’s other 23 Regional Workforce Boards reported more than 38,000 Floridians were placed in jobs. An individual who receives employment and training assistance through a One-Stop Career Center and finds a job within 180 days is deemed a placement and may be reported by a regional workforce board. Of these individuals, 11,034 previously received Reemployment Assistance. In 2012, more than 426,000 Floridians were placed in jobs, with nearly 111,173 former claimants finding employment.

Florida’s unemployment rate decreased to 7.7 percent, down from the revised January 2013 rate of 7.9 percent and the lowest since October 2008. The state experienced an increase of 7,700 private sector jobs over the month and 139,200 jobs were created since February 2012. This increase brings the total number of private sector jobs created since December 2010 to 294,200. Since Governor Scott took office, the state’s unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 percentage points.
