City Fireman pension nearly doubled in three years

Wonder where your city taxes have gone? Or why the city staff is pushing a $377 fire fee? Check out the fireman’s pension.

In 2004, the City spent $1,712,568 on the fireman’s pension. This year’s budget for it is $3,205,300. Up $1,492,732, 87 percent!!!!

The actual payroll of the City’s fire department has only gone up 15 percent – $727,801 over the last three years.
From $4,854,599 in 2004 to $5,592,400 in 2006-07 budget.

Total personnel costs for 2007-08: $10,554,600 – about $198 per citizen and $325 per housing unit.
There are 138 employees in that department.

Total fire budget: $11,628,000 – $218 per citizen, $439 per housing unit.

Sources: US Census, Quick Facts, 2007-08 proposed budget
