Possible Playground

Earlier this month, an anonymous donor threw some money on the table in hopes of sparking some generosity to fund a playground at the Community Maritime Park.

During the April 17 meeting of the Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees, attorney Eric Stevenson presented his client’s offer. The anonymous donor offered up $25,000, with the stipulation that the gift be paired with an additional $250,000 in community contributions.

“The donor wishes to remain anonymous,” the attorney told the CMPA board. “As you well know, there’s been some well-meaning philanthropists in this town that have been run through the wringer.”

Stevenson informed the park board that the offer was good for 120 days. He also said his client wanted the naming-rights to the playground reserved for the highest contributor.

“Is the donor in this room?” asked CMPA Chairman Collier Merrill.

“I’m not allowed to say if the donor is in this room or in the Galapagos Islands,” the attorney replied.
