Border patrol expert on radio

I will have Zack Taylor on IN Your Head Radio today. Mr. Taylor is a charter member of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. He served as a Border Patrol Officer from 1976-2003. He will speak on an effort in Congress to create wilderness area along the Mexican border.

Here is a press release on the issue:

Wilderness Border Bills Open Immigration Flood Gates and Handcuff Border Patrol Officers

With the ongoing debate about securing our nation’s borders, there is talk in Congress about creating a wilderness area along the US-Mexican Border that would create a virtual freeway for illegals and drug smugglers.

In addition, one of the pieces of legislation restricts the building of the fence along the border. The two bills that are pending will allow a bad situation to get even worse by opening the flood gates for illegal immigration, and at the same time shackling the hands of the Border Patrol on Federal lands.

Listen between 1-2 p.m. on
