Visit Pensacola delivers new bylaws to the county, they decide who minority director is (No surprise)

Hotel lobbyist Ron Ellington has delivered a new set of bylaws for Visit Pensacola to the county attorney. The new bylaws allow for a permanent seat for a minority. However, that minority isn’t chosen by any outside group and is instead chosen by the rest of the directors.

Hmmm, to whom do you think that minority board member will be beholding?

Here is the new clause:

Must be Chairman of the Board or a Board member designated by the Chairman. The initial member shall be an African American entity. The Visit Pensacola Board will establish objective, published criteria for selecting future minority Board members. The Board will solicit applications from the minority community beginning six (6) months from the end of each two (2) year term for this Board seat through a series of publicly advertised and held meetings. It will make the final decision by a majority vote of the other seated members for the group that best meets the published criteria. Minorities, which may be further enumerated by the Board by a majority vote, shall include any ethnic, racial, gender, or sexual preference minority group recognized by the Federal Government.

No other board member has to go through this scrutiny. All others are selected by their organizations.

Visit Pensacola is seeking a state ethics commission opinion on whether the PSA executive director can sit on the board that is giving his organization funds. Ellington doesn’t know if a city council member or county commissioner can legally sit on the board.

Read: Visit_Pensacola_Bylaws_092013_redline.

The TDC approved the old bylaws. Do these new ones have to go back before them?
