Email to Sandi Copes

My apology to Florida Attorney General:

——- Original Message ——–
Subject: Independent News – Walker Holmes
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:56:34 -0500
From: Rick Outzen
Organization: Independent News

The March 27 article – Council Ousted – by Walker Holmes was an April Fools article. In it, Holmes claims to have found a missing page of the city charter that states the council can only serve two terms. Gov. Crist removes them from office and the Attorney General is reportedly investigating whether the offending council persons have to pay back their salaries. The single one-term councilman, Sam Hall, must also step down because on the back of the missing page is a clause that says no one named Sam can ever hold public office in Pensacola.

Tell Bill I’m sorry if I caused any problems for his office.

Rick Outzen, Publisher
Independent News

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