City went silent on its default notification

The day after the PNJ published its article on the dispute between Mayor Hayward and The Fish House, I requested interviews with the city and permission to speak with Hayward’s attorney Nix Daniel.

From: Richard Outzen
Subject: Interview requests
Date: November 27, 2013 8:15:56 AM CST
To: Ashton Hayward , Tamara Fountain , Colleen Castille , Jim Messer
Cc: “J. Nixon Daniel”

I would like to interview you on the Fish House/Pitts Slip lease issue. The interviews can be done over the phone or in person. I realize that, for some, today may be a light work day so Monday will be fine. I’m also in town all weekend and available for interviews. Our deadline for this story is Monday p.m.

I also would like permission to speak with Nix Daniel.

Any information or documents regarding the lease that you believe will help me understand the situation would be appreciated and can be emailed to this email address.

Thank you for your help.


I didn’t hear anything early Monday morning, so I asked again:

From: Richard Outzen
Subject: Re: Interview requests
Date: December 2, 2013 10:34:13 AM CST
To: Colleen Castille , Tamara Fountain

Colleen and Tamara,

I’ve not heard back on this request sent last Wednesday morning. Collier told me, Colleen, that you wanted to be interviewed before the story was published, and we definitely would like someone who can explain the city’s position and its negotiations with Seville Harbour and Merrill Land. We would like the same opportunity afforded the daily newspaper.

We can do the interview over the phone if that is most convenient.

Richard Outzen
Publisher, Independent News
(850) 438-8115

After lunch on Monday, we got this reply from Tamara Fountain:

From: Tamara Fountain
Subject: RE: Interview requests
Date: December 2, 2013 1:11:03 PM CST
To: Rick Outzen


Colleen has decided not to do any further interviews. I am happy to assist with any documentation you need for your story.

