City declares MOU is exempt from Florida open records law


Publisher Richard Outzen

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 12/18/2013 for:
The Independent News requests a copy the memorandum of understanding between ST Aerospace, Mobile, Inc. and the City of Pensacola that was announced yesterday. Thank you. Richard Outzen Publisher, Independent News (850) 438-8115

Reference # W000194-121813

Dear Richard Outzen,

In response to your Public Records request for the MOU between ST Aerospace Mobile, Inc. and the City of Pensacola, this document is exempt from FS 119 in accordance with FS 288.075(2)(a)1. If a private corporation, partnership, or person requests in writing before an economic incentive agreement is signed that an economic development agency maintain the confidentiality of information concerning plans, intentions, or interests of such private corporation, partnership, or person to locate, relocate, or expand any of its business activities in this state, the information is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution for 12 months after the date an economic development agency receives a request for confidentiality or until the information is otherwise disclosed, whichever occurs first.

I have attached a PDF copy of the confidentiality agreement for your review. Until the City of Pensacola is released from this confidentiality agreement, this Public Records request must be considered non-responsive and will be closed. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Thank you for using the City of Pensacola Sunshine Center.


Jane G. Ballard
Public Records Coordinator
City of Pensacola

Here is the agreement that was signed on Sept. 23, 2013: St._Aerospace_Mobile,_Inc._Confidential_Request

I sent this public record request as the follow-up to the above email:

From: Richard Outzen
Subject: Re: Public Records Request :: W000194-121813
Date: December 19, 2013 1:14:50 PM CST
To: City of Pensacola Public Records Office , Jane Ballard
Cc: “” , “” , “” , “”

Can you give a copy of the written agreement in which ST Aerospace gave permission for the mayor to announce the MOU and identify ST Aerospace?

Thank you.

Richard Outzen
Publisher, Independent News