Abusive workplaces

I hate bullies. Over the past few weeks in my travels around town, I’ve heard more and more young people tell me about abusive bosses and supervisors and hostile workplaces. Not physically – more mental and verbal- yelling, screaming, manipulation and just out and out meanness. Maybe it is a sign of the tough economy.

I once worked for a boss who many outside the company thought was a saint, but inside the offices he was a maniacal terror – no idea was a good idea unless it was his; everyone else was a stupid idiot. I finally walked out. I just couldn’t take the lying, manipulation and verbal abuse any more.

But I worked under those conditions for years…something of which I’m not proud.

We are working on a story about abusive workplaces. We will protect the identities of the individuals, but I think it’s time we have an open dialog on what is happening in some workplaces.

Feel free to post some of your stories on this blog. Don’t mention names or businesses. You can use initials and describe the type of business – like a restaurant or contractor or real estate office. Please follow these rules and this can become a very good forum.

Also email me at rick@inweekly.net if you are willing to share your story with a reporter. We will keep it confidential. We have a very, very good record of protecting our sources.