Pensacola Camellia Club Celebrates 77th Year at Annual Banquet


Press Release: Did you ever wonder what camellia enthusiasts do when they get together? At the annual installation banquet of the Pensacola Camellia Club, they brought in lovely blooms for exhibit and for table decoration.

Eighty plus members and guests enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship on Tuesday Feb. 18 at Seville Quarter’s Heritage Hall. PCC member and Jazz Society President Crystal Joy Albert played piano keyboard during the social hour.

Person of the Year Award went to nurseryman and three-time past president John Davy. The award was presented in absentia by Jack O’Donnell, as Davy was out of town. The award is determined in secret, so it was a surprise to the attendees.

Paul Bruno, PCC president, welcomed the attendees and congratulated members of the club for the wonderful effort extended to the guests at the American Camellia Society convention and NATIONAL CAMELLIA SHOW held in Pensacola this past December. He reported that he had received accolades from many of the national officers and attendees about the wonderful hospitality offered by the citizens of Pensacola.

Judge Roger Vinson administered the oath of office to the incoming officers and board: Paul Bruno, President; Skip Vogelsang, 1stVP and Show Chair; James West, 2nd VP and Program Chair; Christi Hankins, 3rd VP and Membership Chair; Thekla Morris, Treasurer; Margaret “Winkie” Rhea, Secretary. Board members: LeAnna Brennan, Dick Hooton, Dante Kahn, Jerri Smith, Mack Thetford and Karin Wiseman.

The Pensacola Camellia Club was chartered in 1937 as the Pensacola Men’s Camellia Club and predates the American Camellia Society by eight years. Itis the oldest Camellia club in the U. S. In the mid ’80s it was re-chartered as the Pensacola Camellia Club. There are now approximately 250 members, with about equal numbers of men and women. The club invites those interested in camellia culture to join in their activities. For more information and/or membership see or call Winkie Rhea at 438-7270.
