First Amendment Foundation unhappy with exemptions in two bills

First Amendment Foundation (FAF) has published its 2014 Legislative Report for week one is now available on its website. You can view it by clicking this link.

There are two bills that caught my attention and that of the FAF. The drug testing of elected officials (HB 1437) is a good idea, but those test results should be available to the public. Exempting emails of registered voters hampers the ability to connect with the voters (SB 1514).

HB 1437 Exemption/Drug Tests – Public Officers: HB 1435 creates the Drug-Free Public Officers Act, requiring public officers to undergo a drug test within 60 days after taking office or after reelection or reappointment to office. HB 1437 creates a public record exemption for the initial drug test results of such public officers, confirmation of such results, written explanations to the Commission on Ethics and referrals from the Commission, and records relating to subsequent substance abuse treatment. Amends s. 111.09, F.S. Rep. Dane Eagle (R-Cape Coral)

SB 1514 Exemption/Email Addresses – Registered Voters: Creates a public record exemption for the email addresses of registered voters and registered voter applicants obtained for the purpose of voter registration. Sen. Greg Evers (R-Baker).  In the 2013 legislative session, CS/HB 249, creating an identical exemption for the email addresses of registered voters, was passed. Governor Rick Scott vetoed the bill. Here’s a link to his veto letter.
