Open Mic for Open Books, May 20

“When the Floods Came”
Open Mic for Open Books
Hosted by West Florida Literary Federation
Tuesday, May 20
6:30 Refreshments
7:00 Readings Begin
Second Floor, Pensacola Cultural Center

“The Flood: Parts I and II.” Popular Gulf Breeze writer Kerry Whiteley shares her personal experiences in the recent flood as she reads from her blog The Winding Road for West Florida Literary Federation’s “When the Floods Came: Open Mic for Open Books” Tuesday, May 20, at the Pensacola Cultural Center. Residents are invited to read their own original works, especially those inspired by the recent floods, or come to listen. Free, open to the ublic. At Open Mic book donations will be accepted to help Open Books replenish the twenty-five per cent inventory loss due to flooding. Bring used books to Open Mic from the following categories

· Literature by authors with last names beginning with “C”; “K”; “M”, “R”, and “V-W”;
· Poetry (poets with last names “S” thru “Z”)
· Good poetry anthologies
· African American History
· African Studies, literature
· Science Fiction
· Political Science
· Gardening
· Education
· Literature
· Cookbooks
· Buddhism and other religious books [excluding Islam, Judaism, and Christianity which survived the storm]
· Paperback dictionaries for the Prison Book Project

Diane Skelton