“I still failed to find one outrageous lie from SOC”

From my morning emails:

angry Rick,

Search as hard as I could, I still failed to find one outrageous lie from SOC.

However, I did find one with the Maritime Park Promoters.
It involved stating that the park would be paid for only by “businesses within the downtown CRA area.”
Anyone who knows beans about the C.R.A. is aware that un-incorporated area taxpayers must pay 70% of the C.R.A.’s cost as the result of a lawsuit filed by the city.

Just as a sidelight, I have a eyewitness who on election night was sitting next to Councilman Nobles in David Stafford’s office.

When the early returns began to show supporters were winning, Councilman Nobles called Quint Studer and said, “Well old buddy, … we’ve done it.”

Of course we all know there was never any impropriety between Nobles and his “old buddy” Quint Studer. Why our state’s attorney had copies of emails that read like the script of new TV show, “The Sopranos” and personally interviewed hundreds of people all within less than 24 hours and found nothing!

Amazing!  Wonder if that attorney needed any help finding their way home to Gulf Breeze.


P.S. Not to worry, I’m just one of those taxpayers who has financed the Gulf Breeze Sopranos for the last forty years and I never even get to vote…… and this is what our local media terms as, “fair.”
