Wu named Home Rule Hero


The Florida League of Cities (FLC) recognized City of Pensacola Council Member and League president P.C. Wu with a 2014 Home Rule Hero Award at a local city council meeting on July 17. This prestigious award was presented to Council Member Wu for his tireless efforts to advance the League’s legislative agenda and help protect the home rule powers of Florida’s cities during the 2014 legislative session.

“I have always been and will remain to be a strong advocate for the League because I believe home rule powers ensure that the government stays close to the people it serves,” said Council Member Wu.

Home Rule is the ability for a city to establish its own form of government and enact ordinances, codes, plans and resolutions without prior state approval. The Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials – both elected and nonelected – who consistently responded to the League’s request to reach out to members of the legislature and help give a local perspective to an issue.

“President Wu has devoted himself to the citizens of Pensacola and will always remain loyal to his city and this state,” said Florida League of Cities Legislative Director Scott Dudley. “Aside from representing Pensacola, he is the League’s president and one of our biggest and most active advocates in support of Home Rule. President Wu’s hard work and dedication to Florida’s municipalities is what truly defines him as a Home Rule Hero.”

P.C. Wu, Ph. D. was elected to the city council in November 2004 and served as president from 2012-2013. P.C. is a professor emeritus at the University of West Florida, past president of the Florida Association of Teacher Educators, the Florida Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the Florida Association of Staff Development. He currently serves on the Florida-Alabama TPO and the Tourist Development Council. P. C. has been active with the Florida League of Cities for many years and assumed the League’s presidency in 2013. He is very active in the Pensacola community and volunteers at Habitat for Humanity, Loaves and Fishes, and the Salvation Army.