SRIA meeting halted

The special meeting set for the Santa Rosa Island Authority yesterday was stopped before it began. Chairman Tom Campanella, vice chair John Peacock, Ed Guernsey and Vernon Prather were in attendance. Fred Gant was in route.

Peacock had called the meeting. Campenella struck the gavel and immediately asked Board attorney Mike Stebbins if the meeting had been properly noticed. Stebbins advised that the meeting – even though it was a special one – had to be noticed 48 hours prior.

Peacock argued that Florida Sunshine Laws and the Florida attorney general ruled that 24 hours were sufficient. Stebbins disagreed. Campenella took Stebbins advice and adjourned the meeting and left as did Prather – leaving Peacock without a quorum.

What was the issue? Campenalla has had Stebbins investigate complaints about SRIA manager Buck Lee without informing his fellow board members.

That would explain the theatrics.
